FA-1 LED Strobe Trigger Instruction Manual 20170613
Test the LED Strobe
Trigger with the strobe.
Make sure the strobe is
properly charged prior
to performing the test.
Turn the strobe on and
set it to “Manual”
operation mode. Turn
the camera and the LED
Strobe Trigger on. Place
the strobe in front of the
camera so it faces the
camera lens. Place one
of the LED’s featured at
the end of the LED cable
in front of the strobe slave sensor. Capture an image by fully depressing the camera shutter
release. The light emitted by the LED should trigger the strobe to fire in sync with the
camera, resulting with an overexposed image, in which the output of the strobe is visible. If
the strobe isn’t triggered by the LED, refer to section 4 – “Troubleshooting”.
If your housing features built-in LED trigger ports, proceed to step e below. If your housing
doesn’t feature dedicated LED trigger ports, the spongy LED trigger ports included in the
package should be installed inside the housing:
Peel the protective film off the sticker side of the spongy LED trigger ports and stick them
inside the housing, against the fiber optic cable ports facing the camera built-in flash. Make
sure that the center of the spongy LED trigger ports is positioned exactly opposite to the
center of the fiber optic cable ports to allow for the light emitted by the LED’s to be
transmitted through the fiber optic cables (Fig.8).
If your housing features a transparent window against the camera built-in flash instead of
fiber optic cable ports, it is best to attach the fiber optic cables to the transparent window
Fiber Optic Cable
Fiber Optic Cable Port
Spongy LED Trigger Port