Hardware Documentation efus™A9X+ efus™A9Xr2
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11 Review service
F&S provide a schematic review service for your baseboard implementation. Please send your
schematic as searchable PDF to [email protected].
12 ESD and EMI implementing on COM
Like all other COM modules at the market there is no ESD protection on any signal out from
the COM module. ESD protection hast to place as near as possible to the ESD source - this is
the connector with external access on the COM baseboard. A helpful guide is available from
TI; just search for slva680 at ti.com.
To reduce EMI the module supports spread spectrum. This will normally reduce EMI between
9 and 12 dB and so this decrease your shielding requirements. We strictly recommend having
your baseboard with controlled impedance and wires as short as possible.
13 Second source rules
F&S qualifies their second sources for parts autonomously, as long as this does not touch the
technical characteristics of the product. This is necessary to guarantee delivery times and
product life. A setup of release samples with released second sources is not possible.
F&S does not use broker components without the consent of the customer.
14 Storage conditions
Maximum storage on room temperature with non-condensing humidity:
6 months
Maximum storage on controlled conditions 25 ±5 °C, max. 60% humidity: 12 months
For longer storage we recommend vacuum dry packs.
15 ROHS and REACH statement
All F&S designs are created from lead-free components and are completely ROHS compliant.
The products we supply do not contain any substance on the latest candidate list published
by the European Chemicals Agency according to Article 59(1,10) of Regulation (EC)
1907/2006 (REACH) in a concentration above 0.1 mass %.
Consequently, the obligations in No. 1 and 2 paragraphs in Annex are not relevant here.
Please understand that F&S is not performing any chemical analysis on its products to testify
REACH compliance and is therefore not able to fill out any detailed inquiry forms.