8.4 HSET
With this value you can set the opening position of the hi-hat. This setting affects all kits. If
you change this value, the HH controller loses its function globally. This function is useful if you do not
have a hi-hat controller and want a fixed opening position continuously. Values from 1 (fully open hi-
hat) to 31 (closed hi-hat) are available. "Off" means that the hi-hat controller is active.
Here you set the sensitivity of the hi-hat pedal. A control range of -6 to +6 dB is available.
You have nine different trigger curves available. Select the value that best supports your
playing style by turning the DATA knob. For detailed information on the CURVE please refer to the
explanations on the page TRIG.
8.5 SPEC
On this page, you can refine the trigger settings (MIXER-UNIT-TRIG).
With GAINR (Gain Reduction) you can reduce the input sensitivity of the selected channel.
This function is useful if the connected pad outputs a signal that is too strong. Together with the GAIN
parameter on the TRIG page, it allows you to adjust the input sensitivity to the optimum level.
Please note that this function is only available in the channels hi-hat and Cymbal 1 to 3.
This value can be used to reduce interference between the head and rim channels (local xtalk
reduction). The higher the set value, the more effectively crosstalk is prevented. The following values
are available:
Off, Low, Med, High, vHigh.
With MASKtime you can reduce double triggers. The higher the set value, the longer the time
in which no new trigger impulses are accepted by the module. This prevents unwanted trigger
impulses, such as those caused by head vibrations. This parameter is very helpful if you work with
triggers for acoustic drums.
Try the MASK parameter with extreme settings to understand how the function works.