Shenzhen Hpmont Technology Co., Ltd.
Chapter 6 Function Introduction
HD3N-L Series User Manual V1.0
- 47
F20: Function-boost Parameters 2
Ref. Code
Function Description
Setting Range [Default]
F20.00 Start DC brake current
50 - 150 [100%]
F20.01 Duration of start DC brake current
0.0 - 3.0 [0.0s]
When F00.01 ≠ 2 (VC control), F20.00 and F20.01 are valid.
When F20.01 = 0, start DC braking function is invalid.
F20.02 DI enable function
0,1 [0]
0: Original plan.
The run contactor can be output only when there is an enable signal.
1: New plan.
When there is a running command signal, open the run contactor. when the run contactor signal is
turned on, if the enable signal is detected, it can continue to run.
It is used when the controller controls the run contactor, and uses the run contactor feedback contact as
an enable signal.
F20.03 Output contactor open time
0 - 9 [0s]
0: Keep open.
1 - 9: After the directional signal contactor opens for F20.03, the output contactor is closed after the enable
signal is still invalid.
F20.04 Ground detection before running
0,1 [0]
0: Detection.
1: No detection.
F20.05 Brake open frequency
0.00 - 10.00 [0.00Hz]
F20.06 Brake open current
0 - 150 [0%]
F20.07 Restore customized parameters
0 - 9 [0]
F20.13 Emergency run torque limit
70.0 - 200.0 [0.0%]
F20.14 Emergency run undervoltage point setting
160 - 220 [190V]
F20.15 Emergency run parameter
000 - 110 [110]
Unit: Unused
Ten: Emergency run torque limited (F20.19)
0: F20.19 no functional.
1: F20.19 functional.
Hundred: Emergency run mode determine
0: F00.01.
1: V/f control.
F20.17 Search speed of light load current method when emergecy run
0.020 - 0.200 [0.150m/s]
F20.18 Search time of light-load current method when emergency run
0.300 - 3.000 [0.500s]
F20.19 Emergency run torque limited
70.0 - 200.0 [100.0%]
Group Y: Manufacturer Function Parameters
The Group y is the manufacturer parameters group for commissioning at the factory before delivery.