Shenzhen Hpmont Technology Co., Ltd.
Chapter 6 Function Introduction
HD3N-L Series User Manual V1.0
- 35
Ref. Code
Function Description
Setting Range [Default]
AVR (Automatic Voltage Regulation) function
0 - 2 [1]
0: No action.
1: Enabled all the time.
2: Disabled in Dec. process.
The output voltage can be regulated to maintain constant via AVR. Thus, normally the AVR function
should be enabled, especially when the input voltage is higher than the rated voltage.
In Dec. process, if F07.20 = 0 or 2, the running current will be a little higher; While if F07.20 = 1, the motor
will decelerate steadily, and the current will be smaller.
Motor oscillation-suppression mode
0,1 [0]
0: Depend on exciting component.
1: Depend on torque component.
Motor oscillation-suppression coefficient
0 - 200 [100]
It is used to suppress the natural oscillation generated when the controller and the motor cooperate.
If the output current changes repeatedly during constant load operation, F07.22 can be set on the basis
of factory parameters to eliminate oscillation, and make the motor run smoothly.
F08: Motor Vector Control Speed-loop Parameters
Ref. Code
Function Description
Setting Range [Default]
Low speed ASR KP
1 - 9999 [500]
Low speed ASR KI
0 - 9999 [500]
High speed ASR KP
1 - 9999 [500]
High speed ASR KI
0 - 9999 [500]
ASR PI swithcing frequency 1
0.00 - 50.00 [10.00Hz]
ASR PI swithcing frequency 2
0.00 - 50.00 [15.00Hz]
F08.00 - F08.05, F08.07 sets the PID parameters of the ASR (speed loop).
The structure of ASR is shown in figure:
When HD3N-L operates within 0 - F08.04, the PI parameters
of vector control are F08.00 and F08.01;
When HD3N-L operates above F08.05, the PI parameters of
vector control are F08.02 and F08.03;
When HD3N-L operates within F08.04 - F08.05, P is the linear
interpolation between F08.00 and F08.02, while I is the linear
interpolation between F08.01 and F08.03.
Increasing the ASR KP (F08.00, F08.02) can speed up the dynamic response of the system. But if KP is too
large, it is easy to produce oscillation.
Increasing the ASR KI (F08.01, F08.03) can speed up the dynamic response of the system. But if KP is too
large, it is easy to produce oscillation and overshoot.
F08.01/F08.03 = 0, the integral function is unused, the ASR works only as a proportional regulator.
Generally, adjust the KP firstly to the max. on condition that the system does not vibrate, then adjust the
KI to shorten the response time without overshoot.
To shorten dynamic response time during lowe frequency running, increase KP and KI.
Frequency feedback
Frequency command
Torque limit
Torque current setting
PI parameter