Connecting basic and expansion modules
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Connecting functional elements
The outputs of the modules allow to control various consuming devices. Such
devices may be on the one hand the functional elements of FALLER Car Sys-
tem (branch-off junction, parking space and stop point) or other consuming
devices such as LEDs or lamps.
When connecting LEDs, always make sure that you use the right pro-
tective resistors. Such resistors can be determined using the »Car Sys-
tem 2« software via menu point Allgemein >> Vorwiderstandsrechner
[General >> Protective resistor calculator]
Connect parking spaces and stop points to 20 V. On the contrary, con-
nect branch-off junctions and lighting fittings to 15 V.
When connecting a stop point, make sure you observe the polarity. If a
vehicle should stop in such a place, the north pole of its coil must show
upwards. To test that it is so, hold the steering slider of a vehicle above
the middle of the stop point when it is switched on. If the steering sli-
der is repelled, the north pole shows upwards and the polarity is cor-
rect. On the contrary, if a vehicle of FALLER digital series should switch
over to its second driving speed in that place, it’s the south pole that
has to show upwards.
For further information regarding the connection of consuming
devices, please refer to the instruction manual of the relevant device.