20.0 Outhaul
Secure the
” shackle located at the end of the boom to the clew of the mainsail.
By pulling on the line extending through the cleat inside the boom end the outhaul
will be pulled tighter. Note that the sail is cut so that the outhaul will automatically
become tighter as down haul is applied to the sail/mast.
If the outhaul is applied
too tight prior to the down haul, the sail will be pulled out of the mast track.
Repeating this procedure can damage your mast.
21.0 Jib
To raise the jib, attach the jib halyard wire to the head of the jib sail with the shackle. Start
the jib luff zipper over the forestay with the halyard line included. Raise the sail while
closing the zipper as you go. When the sail is fully raised, attach the jib sail tack to the
eyelet, on the aft side of the bridal wire apex, with the 3/16 bow shackle. Once the jib wire
approaches the bottom of the sail, connect the S-hook, tied to the bridal connection, to the
loop at the end of the wire. At this point the tag line tied to the jib wire can be removed,
coiled up and stored until it is time to lower the jib.
The section of Dyneema line should be tied first through the forward eylet on the bridal
assembly. This is led up and through the s-hook, then back down through the D shackle
lead and along the port bridal wire. At the port bridal tang should already be located a
second D shackle lead. Feed the jib line through this and then back tying off to a plain
16mm block. Located on the lower face on the port side of the front cross bar will be a
short section of 3mm spectra core line. Feed this line through the block ted to the end of