the Dyneema line will terminate in a 2
16mm block and connect to the sheet.
11.2 - Jib Sheet
There is a 4mm continuous line run through the forward beam for the jib sheet.
At each beam opening there should be a stainless steel ring on this sheet. These
rings will be lashed back to the bent loop shackle attached to the forward side of the
side stay connection on both hulls.
The jib sheet will come out of each beam and through the rings as shown. They will then
lead forward through the jib swivel cleats mounted on the forward cross bar and forward to
towards the bridal attachment. On the sheet is attached a pair of 16mm blocks with an
additional length of line. Locate a button on the spin pole bottom face just aft of the bridal
attachment. Wrap the extra length of line around the pole 2 times and bring back and tie
to second block. The jib sheet will form an M with the center 16mm block coming from the
traveler car main Dyneema line.