can use port B (second serial port) to feed in DGPS correction
data. Pull-up (100 k
) unused SDI inputs.
Active Antenna Bias Voltage:
The output voltage at the antenna cable
can be used to power the bias voltage of the antenna, provided
can make sure that the antenna runs down to 2.7 V bias voltage
and the current does not exceed 20 mA.
Backup Battery:
In order to allow the GPS receiver to perform
internally the warm and hot start it is advisable to connect the
pin to an external backup battery
For more
information on cold, warm, and hot-start scenarios, please refer
to the
Section 6.3 “ Start-Up”
. In case of a power interruption
on pin
the real-time clock and backed-up SRAM are
continually supplied through
The voltage at this pin
has to be +3 V DC ±5%. If you do not use a backup battery,
connect this pin to GND or leave it open. Do not use a super
cap for the battery backup supply (recommended by SiRF).
The quickest way to get first results with the JP7-T is to use the JP7-T
Evaluation board together with the program SiRFdemo.
Figure 17
JP7-T Evaluation board
The Evaluation board contains:
Evaluation Box
JP7-T sample with soldered antenna cable.
power supply (AC/DC adapter, Type FW738/05, Output 5VDC 1.3 A)
active GPS antenna (FAL-ANT-3)
RS232 level shifter
RS232 cable to your computer.
The Evaluation board with contained components are not included in the
delivery package. In order to have one the users of JP7-T family have to
purchase it.
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