30iE - v1111 - Installation/Operation - (20/48) Execution of bolt-hole drilling
After entering this data, the DRO displays the text “HOLE 01” in the display “X” and
turns the “Y” off.
- After pressing this key to---
- ... show the position of the first hole:
- Move the axes until the displays read X 0.000 and Y 0.000
- Press this key
- It displays this text.
- Press this key again to---
... show the position of the second hole.
- Press this key to display the current position with respect to the previous hole.
- Move the axes until the displays read X 0.000 and Y 0.000
And so on until all the holes are completed (all 5 in the example).
X -23,105 Y -6,190
X 0.000 Y 0.000
X 16,915 Y -16,915
X 0.000 Y 0.000