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This section of the manual contains a few short articles
on using your Micro-Blaster I™
Breaking Large Rocks with the Micro-Blaster™
To break large rocks or to break off larger pieces of rock with the
Micro-Blaster™, a technique known as "pre-splits" has allowed us to
break up rocks weighing up to 10 tons. The technique involves drilling a
series of holes along a line defining where the rock should split. This is
similar to the technique used since Roman times using tools known as
"plugs and feathers" or "wedges and feathers" and is still used today in
dimensional stone quarries to make predictable cuts. Probably the most
noticeable example of the use of this concept on a large scale can be
seen along the sides of highways where deep cuts were made in the
surrounding terrain to allow construction of the road. The parallel vertical
lines (1/2 of the original drilled holes) are evidence of the accuracy and
effectiveness of "pre-splits".
With the Micro-Blaster™ experience with the material being cracked
will allow the user to make decisions on hole spacing. Lacking that, a
good starting point would be to space your holes 12 inches apart and
then fire the Micro-Blaster™ in one of the middle holes. The first shot
may not split off any material but on close examination should reveal a