Step by Step Instructions.
To be Followed in the Order Presented
Drill a 5/16" hole, no more than 10" deep in the rock or
masonry you intend to crack, for 2 cartridge shots use 12" deep
hole. Painting a mark or applying a piece of tape on the drill bit at
this distance from the end will greatly aid in drilling holes to the
proper depth. The use of a new and sharp carbide masonry bit
is highly recommended. Worn bits can drill undersized holes
which will not allow the MICRO-BLASTER to be inserted into
the hole to its full depth. If problems are experienced with holes
being too small, measurement of the bits used may determine
the cause. Also holes that are not drilled straight can cause
problems in inserting the MICRO-BLASTER into the hole to the
full depth. Inserting the MICRO-BLASTER to its full depth is
critical. If the hole is not able to accommodate the entire length
of the MICRO-BLASTER, in turn allowing the tip to make
contact with the primer end of the cartridge, no initiation of the
cartridge will occur. Depending on the hardness and type of
material, this hole should be 4 to 12 inches from the edge of the
material you intend to crack. Experience will dictate placement
of the hole. Drilling in the center of a large rock may not be
effective and only eject the MICRO-BLASTER from the hole
upon initiation of the cartridge without cracking the rock. If this
occurs drilling closer to an edge will yield better results.
2. The hole should next be cleaned of all debris and rock dust
generated during the drilling process. Use the Hole Blower
supplied with your MICRO-BLASTER kit to blow out the drilling
dust . Any other technique using compressed air will also be
effective as long as the tube delivering the air is of sufficient
length to reach the bottom of the hole and eject all loose
material. After blowing out the hole run the BORE BRUSH in
and out of the hole to remove any packed rock dust from the