MLC Plus 84 EU and MLC Plus 84 MK • Setup Guide (Continued)
Step 6: Configure the MLC Plus 84 Controller
The most basic steps are outlined in this section in the recommended order.
See the
Toolbelt Help File
Global Configurator Help File
as needed for step-by-step instructions and detailed
information. The help file for GC includes an introduction to the software, and how to start a project and configuration.
Using GC, create a new GC Plus or GC Professional project and configure the controller and any installed IP Link Pro
devices. The configuration tells the controller:
How its ports function
What to monitor
How to control other products
When to do things
Which touchpanels to interact with
Whom to notify, how, and under what circumstances
Configure ports on the controller.
Select device drivers and link them to each assigned serial, IR, or Ethernet port.
Select settings (serial protocol, relay behavior, digital input, volume control settings) as needed.
Set up monitors, schedules, macros, and local variables.
Set up the front panel buttons: assign appropriate commands and actions, macros, timers, local variables, monitors, or
schedules to the buttons.
Save the project.
Build and upload the system configuration to the controller.
Step 7: Test and Troubleshoot
Test the system. See the
MLC Plus 84 Series User Guide
for an outline of the system testing and troubleshooting procedure.
Make adjustments to wiring or configuration as needed. Remember that the rear and side panel ports will not be accessible
after the controller is mounted.
Rev. C: Added
reference to the
Toolbelt Help File.