12. Install your batteries in the rudder tray, now determine your center of
gravity. The desired range is:
Forward limit CG - front of wing tube
Most desirable CG – Midpoint of wingtube to trailing edge of wing tube
Aft limit CG –up to .5" behind the trailing edge of the wing tube
Move your batteries to achieve desired CG in this range. One way to test your
CG is to fly inverted and see if it climbs or descends. If it climbs while
inverted you are tail heavy, if it descends quickly you are nose heavy. We
typically fly a plane that exhibits a slight descent while inverted, such that a
small amount of down elevator is required for level flight. This CG seems to
fit most styles of aerobatic flying, a rear CG is not required for 3D flight. Also
while upright pitch to a 45°upline and fly for about a 100’ then roll inverted
and see if the plane will hold that same line. If it climbs it is tail heavy and if it
pitches down quickly it is too nose heavy, but it may pitch slightly down but
only after holding that 45° line for some time, then exhibit a slight descent.
13. Once you have the desired CG you are ready to fly. Be sure to follow all
AMA safety codes to include your local flying field rules.
Below are some recommended startingthrows in degrees:
Low middle/medium High
Elevator 20
Aileron 25
Rudder 2" L/R As desired for middle and high rates but don’t touch the
Expo 30-35 35-45 40-50
*NOTE* rudder low throw is measured at the bottom most aft portion of the
rudder. A high quality digital angle/throw meter will provide a more accurate
setup. Also be sure both elevators and ailerons match each other in terms of
degrees of throw.
Helpful hints:
If you need to make a repair, stock schemes of Red/blue/white are Ultracote
colors found in most any hobby shop. If you have the red/blue/white scheme
the Ultracote match colors are true red/ deep blue/white. If you have the
yellow/blue/white scheme theyare bright yellow,white and midnight blue.