Figure 7
6.Next we will install the main landing gear, axles, tires, wheel pants and
wheel cuffs. Now is the time to decide whether you are going to install the
wheel cuffs. If you do go with the cuffs then slide the black tubing and use
either Welders adhesive, Amazing goop or CA will work too. Install this
tubing on the open ended portion of the cuff since it will rest against the
fuselage, tape is very handy to hold the tubing in place. I recommend you start
on the back of the cuff and then wrap the tubing around so your slice is locate
in the rear of the cuff and allow this to dry. Slide them onto the gear before
proceeding with the tires/axles.
I feel it is easier to mount the axles/tires/wheel pants before installing the gear
onto the fuselage, however you could install the gear first then the
axles/tires/wheel pants. Proceed with your preferred order and use the
landing gear hardware bag. Now consider grinding a flat spot on the axles to
accommodate the wheel collar, this provides a small flat surface to fasten the
set screw against providing better holding power. Only grind a very small
amount, you should barely be able to see the flat spot, grinding anymore will
weaken the axle, therefore if you are not comfortable skip this technique. Now
fasten the axle to the landing gear by pushing the axle thru the hole then