small
gap
cable
tie
t
wires
in
c
small
piec
you
wire
t
Also
note
controller
position
y
through
t
the
other
Below
is
a
When
you
conn
of
exposed
c
the
three
blac
lose
enough
p
ce
of
electrica
tie
them.
See
,
that
you
mig
r
through
the
your
flight
con
his
hole
will
m
available
ope
a
picture
of
th
nect
the
black
copper
in
the
ck
wires
toge
proximity
to
t
al
tape
to
elec
e
picture
belo
ght
want
to
a
center
hole
i
ntroller
there
make
this
diff
enings
in
the
he
HexTreme
k
wire
from
th
middle
of
the
ther
that
you
touch
or
you
ctrically
seal
t
ow.
avoid
running
in
the
main
u
e
(precisely
in
ficult
to
do.
In
main
upper
a
with
the
he
to
the
e
connectors
u
avoid
having
could
have
a
the
gap
or
yo
the
six
“
pper
and
low
the
middle
o
nstead,
simply
and
lower
pla
Cs
mounted
to
e
motor
arm
b
where
they
m
g
these
expos
n
electrical
sh
u
can
simply
“bundled”
wir
wer
plates
bec
of
your
HexTr
y
run
the
bun
ates.
o
the
main
lo
black
wire
you
mate.
Be
sur
sed
areas
of
e
hort.
You
can
offset
the
co
res
that
go
to
cause
typicall
eme)
and
wir
ndled
wires
u
wer
plate.
u
might
notic
e
that
when
y
each
of
the
th
n
either
use
a
nnectors
whe
o
the
flight
y
you
will
wa
res
running
u
p
through
an
ce
a
you
hree
a
en
ant
to
p
y
of