Step
8:
What
you
(2)
Six
Red
(2)
Six
Blu
4”
Cable
Required
None
These
prefer
to
already
af
motor
arm
blue
wh
HexTreme
You
will
n
connect
t
connecto
off
of
the
the
moto
Another
p
is
to
put
t
and
one
b
shown
be
Led
Strip
u
will
need
fro
d
Strip
(L
ue
Strip
(L
Ties
(40CT)
Tools:
strips
are,
o
mount
the
re
ffixed
to
the
s
m.
We
then
m
hen
seen
from
e
is
flying
whe
otice
corresp
he
strips
r
facing
towa
power
distrib
r
arms.
possible
confi
he
two
red
blue
strip
elow:
ps
Attachm
om
the
kit:
‐
TR6)
‐
TB6)
of
course,
opt
ed
strips
t
strip.
Simply
mount
the
blu
m
below.
In
th
en
it
is
in
the
ponding
powe
to.
Be
sure
t
rds
the
main
bution
board
guration,
to
a
strips
on
t
p
on
the
fore
a
ment
ional
and
can
to
the
unders
peel
off
the
p
ue
strips
his
manner
it
air.
er
wires
/
con
to
position
th
upper
/
lowe
.
Use
the
cab
avoid
having
the
two
black
arm
coming
o
n
be
attached
side
of
the
red
paper
coating
to
the
corres
is
easy
to
ide
nnectors
com
he
strips
o
er
plates
for
e
le
ties
to
hold
to
work
arou
k
motor
arms
out
of
the
fro
d
any
way
you
d
motor
arms
g
to
expose
th
sponding
blac
entify
precise
ing
off
of
the
on
the
motor
easy
connecti
d
the
excess
p
und
the
landin
on
either
sid
nt
of
your
He
u
see
fit
to
yo
s
using
the
ad
he
adhesive
a
ck
motor
arm
ely
which
dire
power
distri
r
arms
with
th
on
to
the
pow
power
wires
i
ng
gear
on
the
e
of
the
aft
b
exTreme.
This
ur
HexTreme
dhesive
strip
and
fasten
to
s
to
form
a
re
ection
your
bution
board
he
power
cab
wer
cables
co
in
place
again
e
red
motor
a
black
motor
ar
s
configuratio
e.
We
the
ed
/
to
le
/
oming
nst
arms,
rm
on
is