Now,
plac
downwar
outlined
a
Also,
insu
washer
ov
Repeat
fo
ce
the
propel
ds
toward
the
above
and
dic
re
that
the
pr
ver
the
prope
or
remaining
f
ler
onto
the
m
e
motor)
and
ctated
by
you
ropeller
is
ins
eller
and
insta
five
propeller
motor
shaft
in
that
you
hav
ur
flight
contr
stalled
all
the
all
the
propel
s.
nsuring
that
it
ve
the
correct
oller.
way
down
on
ler
shaft
nut
a
t
is
oriented
c
t
rotation
pro
n
the
motor
s
and
tighten
f
correctly
(sha
opeller
on
the
shaft.
Now
p
irmly.
See
pic
aft
adapter
fa
e
correct
mot
lace
the
hub
cture
below.
acing
or
as
shaft