Configuring the Device’s Name and Location
Once you have logged into the receiver, you can configure all parameters. This section explains how to configure the name and location only. For further
information on configuring the receiver, please refer to the
AvediaPlayer r93xx Receiver Administrator’s Guide
Exterity recommends that you specify a name and location for each receiver. This allows you to easily identify the device on the network and in a
management application, such as the AvediaServer Director application. For example, when multiple receivers are deployed in a hospitality installation, you
can use the room number and floor as the name and location.
To configure the device’s name and location using the web management interface, log into the receiver as described in “Log into the Web Interface” on
page 25, and click General. The General page displays hardware and software information for the receiver you are using and the status of its connection to
the display device (HDMI only).
Each parameter is detailed below:
You can also use the AvediaServer Director to specify a
name and location. (For more information refer to the
AvediaServer Director Software Administrator’s Guide
which is available on the Exterity website at
www.exterity.com > Support > Documentation).