380366 V1.6 11/04
Data Acquisition Software Mode
As explained above, the Data Acquisition feature allows the user to connect the meter to
the PC and take and record readings simultaneously. With the meter connected to the PC
and with the software running, follow the steps below:
System Time Set
Click the computer icon from the row of Control Icons at the top of the main software
screen. This is the SYSTEM TIME SET button. The PC system date and time will now be
shared by the software program. Note that if your PC date and time are not set correctly,
do so at this time. The system time will be shown on the main software screen.
Input ID Code
The ID Code is used as a reference number specific to a particular data acquisition
session. The ID Code does not affect the software other than allowing the user to match a
set of data to a unique ID. See the LOGGER screen at right
1. Select MEMORY from the OPTION menu
on the main software screen.
2. Highlight the number in the ID Code field
and type a new reference number. Valid
numbers are 0 through 9999.
3. Click the ID Code button.
Sampling Time
The Sampling Time tells the software how
often to log a reading. The sampling time can
be set from 1 to 65,400 seconds. See the
LOGGER screen at right.
1. Click on the ‘wrist-watch’ icon from the
row of Control Icons on the main
software screen.
2. Highlight the existing value in the
Type in the desired sampling time.
Click the Sampling button when finished.
Creating a File to store data
1. Click the ‘floppy disk’ icon from the row of Control Icons on the main software screen
and type a unique filename when prompted.
This File can later be opened by clicking on the ‘folder’ icon (4
from left) from the row
of Control Icons on the main software screen.
3. Saved files can be opened in spreadsheet programs as *.dat text files by opening the
spreadsheet application, selecting OPEN FILE, choosing ALL FILE TYPES, and
locating the file previously stored.
Start and Stop Recording
1. Click the ‘red’ icon (2
from left) from the row of Control Icons on the main software
screen to start recording. If a file has not been set up at this point, the software will
prompt for a file name.
Data will now be logged every
seconds (where
is the programmed sampling time).
To stop recording, click the ‘black’ icon (3
from left) in the row of Control Icons.
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