34H – Statistics
F0 00 21 27 58 34 <5 byte raw conversion count> <3 byte received bytes
on MIDI 1> <3 byte transmitted bytes on MIDI 1> <3 byte received bytes
on MIDI 2> <3 byte transmitted bytes on MIDI 2> <3 byte transmitted
bytes on I2C> F7
This message is transmitted in response to '25H – Request statistics'.
I2C Messages
Sent I2C messages
Note that all of these are compatible with the disting EX.
set i2c controller X to value Y
<address> 0x11 <controller number> <value MSB> <value LSB>
set voice pitch for note id
<address> 0x54 <note id> <pitch MSB> <pitch LSB>
note on for specified note id
<address> 0x55 <note id> <velocity MSB> <velocity LSB>
note off for specified note id
<address> 0x56 <note id>
Received I2C messages
get raw ADC code (16 bit)
<address> 0x00 <input number 0-7>
returns 2 bytes
get input voltage (16384 <-> 10V)
<address> 0x01 <input number 0-7>
returns 2 bytes
send message on MIDI port 1
<address> 0x4F <status> <optional data byte 0> <optional data byte 1>
send message on MIDI port 2
<address> 0x50 <status> <optional data byte 0> <optional data byte 1>
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