MIDI System Exclusive (SysEx)
The CVM-8 supports a variety of features via MIDI System Exclusive messages. Mostly these are
intended for use by the config tool.
SysEx Header
All SysEx messages are prefixed with a manufacturer's ID, which is a unique series of hex bytes
assigned by the MIDI Manufacturers Association. The Expert Sleepers ID is 00H 21H 27H, so all
SysEx messages relating to Expert Sleepers hardware will begin
F0 00 21 27
Messages for the CVM-8 follow this with 58H:
F0 00 21 27 58
and then with a byte to identify the specific type of message e.g.
F0 00 21 27 58 22
Many values are sent using a 3 byte format to represent a 16 bit quantity:
<top 2 bits> <middle 7 bits> <low 7 bits>
Similarly a 5 byte format is used to represent a 32 bit quantity:
<top 4 bits> <next 7 bits> <next 7 bits> <next 7 bits> <low 7 bits>
Received SysEx messages
08H – Reboot
F0 00 21 27 58 08 F7
This causes the CVM-8 to reboot. Used by the configuration tool to enter bootloader mode.
22H – Request version string
F0 00 21 27 58 22 F7
This causes the CVM-8 to respond with a SysEx message containing the module's version string as
text, using the '32H – Message' format, below.
23H – Request raw inputs
F0 00 21 27 58 23 F7
This causes the CVM-8 to respond with a SysEx message containing its current ADC results (using
message 33H, below).
24H – Request configuration
F0 00 21 27 58 24 F7
This causes the CVM-8 to respond with a SysEx message containing its current configuration
(using message 10H, below).
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