Experimental Aircraft Models
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b. Attach the rudder to the winglet using 5-minute epoxy in the actuator arm hole and
groove and thin CA to secure the hinges. Keep the rudder straight and the arm
bottomed out in the winglet while the glue dries. Check to make sure the rudder is
not bonded to the winglet with the epoxy!
9) Re-insert the Servo Saver Pushrod (of step 5 above) into the Rod Pivot End.
10) Repeat for the other winglet.
Installing the winglet servos
The winglet rudder servos are mounted on the inside/top face of the winglet plate to mounting
blocks. Verify that the servo arms are electrically neutral (Stick and trim centered, receiver shut
off before transmitter.) Use a single leg output arm or a two-leg arm with one leg cut off.
Read the notes below. Then start assembly using the steps that follow these notes.
Operation of the servo saver:
In one direction the barrel hits the collar and ‘pulls’ on the rudder
pushrod. In the other direction the barrel pushes against the spring, and allows the pushrod to
slide through the barrel as the servo arm rotates towards the winglet.
You can remove the setscrew in the end of
the barrel that normally clamps the rod to
the barrel (when this part is used to move
throttle linkages.) We will allow the rod to
slide through the barrel.
The servo must be high enough off the plate to allow the arm and barrel to clear the plate
beneath it. – but just barely.
Note how the servo is set towards the middle of the plate, away from the edge. No part of the
mechanism should be closer than 5/32” from the edge of the plate. This is to allow room for the
barrel protruding above the servo arm to clear the ply mounting surface inside the wing after it is
installed. Look at the winglet servo bay, at the end of the wing, and you’ll see how the ply is
notched away to allow some room.
The barrel should be against the inboard collar when the rudder and servo arm are centered.
You’ll adjust the inboard collar so that this is the case. The outboard collar is moved to adjust the
Out-Board Collar