User manual - FP-T88FVA ONLINE
The fiscal printer FP-T88FVA ONLINE of the company Exorigo-
Upos is the tax payer’s
equipment for recording turnover from sales of goods and provision of services, as well
as relevant tax amounts in real-time. So that the fiscal printer can fulfill its function, it is
required to install a software for operation of sales on a computer and to have a stable
internet connection. The fiscal printer FP-T88FVA ONLINE allows also to print VAT
invoices and commercial non-fiscal documents. It is possible to download a dedicated
software archiving the electronic copy of documents, emitted by the printer.
The user of the fiscal printer, as a tax payer, should observe a range of rules specified in
the act of 11 March 2004 on the goods and services tax (the Polish journal of laws: Dz.U.
2004 nr 54 poz. 535 as amended), article: 111, the Regulation of the Minister of
Entrepreneurship and Technology (Dz.U. 2018 poz. 1206) specifies the criteria and
technical conditions which the cash registers should correspond with.
The applicable law lays down i.a. the following terms:
Unpacking and installation of the fiscal printer is held by an authorized service
employee. The employee is obliged to prove his identity with the service provider’s ID
card, including the following data:
the service provider’s photograph
identification number,
service provider’s signature
service provider’s first name and last name
type of cash register,
address of the party conducting main service or service of cash registers,
date of issue of the ID card,
signature of the person authorized in the entity conducting main service.
His last name should be entered into the ‘Service log
of the fiscal cash register’. His
particulars will be entered into the communication scheme of the printer with the
servers of the Central Cash Registers’ Repository
The tax payer is obliged to submit the necessity of a service intervention at the
service provider who is entered into the list of persons authorized to perform service
in ‘The fiscal cash register service
’ and is reported to the competent tax office
The obligatory inspection of the cash register is made no less frequently than every 2
years. Failure to conduct the obligatory inspection is subject to relevant sanctions
specified in the fiscal law regulations.
To ‘The fiscal cash register service
’ there are entered also particulars of the
service provider authorized to substitute performance of service of a particular
The user of the fiscal printer is obliged to keep ‘The fiscal cash register service
carefully in the place of its use and to protect it against access of unauthorized
persons. It should be always at inspe
ction authorities’ disposal, above all at disposal
of the tax office’s representatives and service provider. The manner of its storage is
subject to the regulations set out in the separate regulations.
All entries into ‘The fiscal cash register service
’ should be readable and entries
on the service actions must be signed with the service provider’s legible signature
In the event of loss (misplacement, theft, etc.) of ‘The fiscal cash register service
’, one should immediately inform on it (person
ally or in writing) the competent
service provider and competent tax office for issue of a duplicate. On ‘The fiscal cash
register service book
’ issued in such case, on its title page, the inscription ‘A
duplicate’ should be placed. The printer must be sub
ject to the service inspection.