• Menu sequence and structure
3110086 EHC20 UK 110515
6.5 Heat quantity
1. Constant throughflow
If ”constant throughflow” is enabled for heat quantity metering purposes, the approximate heat yield will be calculated
using the values for antifreeze, antifreeze concentration and system throughflow (values to be entered manually) as
well as the collector and storage tank sensor values measured.
Additional information regarding the antifreeze, the antifreeze concentration and the system throughflow is required.
A correction factor for heat quantity calculation can also be set using the Offset ∆T value. Because the heat quantity
calculation is based on the collector temperature and storage tank temperature, system-related deviations in the
displayed collector temperature compared to the actual forward flow temperature or in the displayed storage tank
temperature compared to the actual return flow temperature can occur. These deviations can be corrected using the
Offset ∆T value. Example: Displayed collector temperature 40°C, read forward flow temperature 39°C, displayed storage
tank temperature 30°C, read return flow temperature 31°C means a setting of -20% (displayed ∆T 10 K, actual ∆T 8 K =>
-20% correction value).
The heat quantity data in the “constant throughflow” mode are merely guide values
calculated in order to check the system functions.
6.5.1 Forward flow sensor (X)
In this menu, you can specify which sensor is used to measure the forward flow temperature.
Setting range: S1-S8, VFS1-2, Active collector, Active storage tank / default: S8
6.5.2 Return flow sensor
In this menu, you can specify which sensor is used to measure the return flow temperature.
Setting range: S1-S8, VFS1-2, Active collector, Active storage tank / default: S1
6.5.3 Glycol type
In this menu, you can specify the type of antifreeze used. If no antifreeze is used, please set the proportion of glycol to 0.
Setting range: Ethylene, propylene / default: Ethylene
6.5.4 Proportion of glycol
The proportion of antifreeze added to the medium in percent.
Setting range: 0-100% / default: 45%
6.5.5 Forward throughflow (X)
Nominal system throughflow
The system throughflow in litres per minute which is used as a basis for calculating the metered heat quantity.
Setting range: 0 - 100 l/min / default: 5 l/min
6.5.6 Offset ∆T
Temperature difference correction factor for heat metering
Because the heat quantity calculation is based on the collector temperature and storage tank temperature, system-
related deviations in the displayed collector temperature compared to the actual forward flow temperature or in the
displayed storage tank temperature compared to the actual return flow temperature can occur. These deviations can
be corrected using the Offset ∆T value. Example: Displayed collector temperature 40°C, read forward flow temperature
39°C, displayed storage tank temperature 30°C, read return flow temperature 31°C means a setting of -20% (displayed
∆T 10 K, actual ∆T 8 K => -20% correction value).
Setting range: -50 to +50% / default: 0%
6.5.7 VFS (X)
In this menu, you can specify the type of direct sensor used.
Setting range: Off; 1-12; 1-20; 2-40; 5-100; 10-200; 20-400 / default: Off