Copyright © 2008 Excito
Dlink DSM 320/520
Q: Does Bubba have a built-in fan?
A: No, it doesn't. The only moving part generating noise is the hard disk.
We continuously test different manufacturers of disks looking for the
most silent ones. The thick steel cabinet and the soft rubber feet help
keeping the noise down to an absolute minimum.
Q: Can I exchange Bubba's disk myself?
A: Yes, but note that Linux's file system is located on the disk. This
means that a re-installation is needed after replacing the disk. Read
more about this in the User’s Manual (chapter 13, "Hacking Bubba").
Also note that this isn't officially supported, and that opening your box will
void your warranty.
Q: After updating my firmware, the web interface looks strange.
A: Your browser has cached old parts of the web page. Reload the page
(press 'update' or 'reload' in your browser). Sometimes, even a full cache
cleanup is required.
Q: My Bubba boots forever (LED blinks)! After a reboot, the LED never
stops blinking.
A: Linux is probably performing a disk scan to check for errors due to an
abnormal power-down. This may take a while on large disks (several
hours). Be patient.
Q: When trying to reach http://bubba/, I get the "page cannot be
displayed" error.
A: This may depend on improper DNS caching (if you have or have had
more than one host named 'bubba'), or a router with erroneous DNS
settings. Browse (in Windows file explorer) to '\\bubba\'. Click 'home' and
then 'admin'. If you are requested to log in, use 'admin' as username and
password (if you haven't changed it yourself). Double click 'config.html',
this redirects you to the web administration interface.
Q: I’m unable to access bubba using Windows explorer.
A: Windows has cached previous connections (i.e. to \storage\) as user
'guest', and refuses to log you on as another user. This is a Microsoft
Windows issue that we unfortunately can't solve, just present a
workaround for: