Copyright © 2008 Excito
Obtain IP-address automatically (DHCP) - The Dynamic Host
Configuration Protocol (DHCP) automates the assignment of
IP address, Netmask, Default gateway, and other IP
parameters. Use this option if you have a DHCP server in
your network.
Use static IP address settings - Static IP address, Netmask,
Default gateway and Primary DNS are manually assigned to
BUBBA by the administrator. Use this option if you not have
a DHCP server in your network.
Update saves your changes.
For some reason you might want to set the maximum upload / download
speed on your torrents.
For example if you have a limited broadband connection you don’t want
to fill your uplink completely. Then set the "Max upload speed" to a
preferred value. Use "Max download speed" in the same manner.
Using -1 as value = no speed limit.
Update saves your changes.