MLT-1000 User Manual
Excel Technology Co
Excel Technology Co Pty Ltd reserves the right to make changes to the technology described in this
document without notice and advises its clients to obtain the latest version of the relevant information
prior to placing an order. Excel Technology Co Pty Ltd warrants its products to the specification detailed
herein in accordance with standard conditions of sale, client specification, and conditions imposed through
government legislation, and is not liable for functional performance, operational performance or any
damage consequential or otherwise resulting from the use of the ETC product.
Testing and product control techniques are utilised to the extent that Excel Technology Co Pty Ltd deems
necessary to support the relevant specification and warranty. Excel Technology Co Pty Ltd acknowledges
the proprietary information provided by Third Party component suppliers however, Excel Technology Co
Pty Ltd assumes No Responsibility for the use of any other circuit or device other than the circuitry
embodied on Excel Technology Co Pty Ltd numbered engineering drawings and on Excel Technology Co Pty
Ltd circuit cards as identified according to the requirements of the Circuit Layouts Act 1989 (Australia) and
used in accordance with the relevant equipment instructions contained herein.
Excel Technology Co Pty Ltd grants the user/client rights to reproduce any of the documents contained
herein but not subject to conditions of ‘Non-Disclosure’, providing such reproduction is conducted with no
alteration to any material written, drawn or otherwise reproduced and/or contained in this document.