play. You don't need to make the
move with the largest number of
captures. After Touch Checkers
plays its move and you have a
jump to make, it will show JP in the
move number area. But if you
overlook a capture and try to make
another move, Touch Checkers will
remind you of the capture possibil-
ity by displaying JUMP. Touch
Checkers knows the rules of
checkers and will stick to them.
Make your capture and proceed
with the game.
Multiple Captures
If you have a multiple capture,
after you complete the first jump
the display shows the coordinate
of the square you are on and JP to
remind you to continue the captur-
ing sequence.
Turn your Men into Kings
At the start of the game, each of
the 24 pieces is referred to as a
man. When a man reaches the far
side of the board, he is crowned
king and becomes much more
powerful than an ordinary man
because a king can move both
backward and forward. Touch
Checkers is well versed in the
movement of kings and the crown-
ing process, so it will automatically
crown your man to turn it into a
king. A man that is promoted to a
king by making a jump cannot con-
tinue jumping as a king. He must
wait for the next turn.
Playing the White Pieces
When you want to play the White
pieces (to let Touch Checkers move
first) press the MOVE key before
you make your first move as Black.
You’ll see the White and Black
pieces switch places immediately.
Undoing Moves
Touch Checkers does not have as
good a memory as Touch Chess,
so it only permits its last move and
your last move to be taken back.
Getting Hints
Pressing the HINT key displays
HinT and flashes a recommended
move on the screen.
Changing Sides
If during a game you find yourself
losing, you can change sides with
Touch Checkers. Pressing the
MOVE key twice
you regis-
ter your move will switch sides (col-
ors) with your computer. (Between
presses, the display will read FLIP.)
Levels of Play
Generally, the higher the level you
select, the better your Touch
Checkers will play, and the longer it