XRT83SL38/L38EVAL User Manual
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Jitter Attenuator, this selection box allows the user to place the jitter attenuator in either the
transmit or receive path or neither.
Rx External Resistor, setting allows the user to set the external Receive fixed resistor to one
of te following values: none, 60 ohms, 52.5 ohms, or 37.5 ohms.
Termination Impedance, selects (for internal termination mode) the transmit and receive
termination impedance.
Interrupt Enables: GCI: enables channel global interrupt generation. DMO: enables DMO
interrupt generation. FLS: enables interrupt generation for when the FIFO limit is within 3
bits. LCV: enables interrupt generation for Line Code Violations. NLCD: enables loop-code
detection interrupt generation. AIS: enables Alarm Indication Signal detection interrupt
generation. RLOS: enables Loss of Receive Signal interrupt generation. QRPD: enables
QRSS pattern detection interrupt generation.
Alarm and Status
DMO: indicates transmit drive values is detected.
FLS: indicates that the jitter attenuator read/write FIFO pointers are /- 3 bits.
LCV: indicates that the receiver is currently detecting a Line Code Violation or an excessive
number of zeros in the B8zs or HDB3 modes.
NLCD: indicates reception of a loop-up or loop-down code
AIS: indicates an All Ones Signal is detected by the receiver.
RLOS: indicates that the receive input signal is lost.
QRPD: indicates the receiver is currently in synchronization with QRSS pattern.
Cable Loss, six bit receive selectiveequalizer setting which is also a binary word that
represents the cable attenuation indication /-1dB.
Special Operations
SW Reset: software reset sets the register bits in the microprocessor registers to “0”.
HW reset: hardware reset puts device in reset state.
RWRegs: allows the user to read/write to any register.
Readback: displays a window with a list of registers and its current value.
Error Insertion
Insert BPV: inserts a bipolar violation into the transmitted data stream for the current channel.
Insert Bit Err: inserts a bit error into the transmitted QRSS pattern of the current channel.
Test Progress
Start Button: applies all the settings in the Global Configuration section and the Channel
Configuration section and begins polling of Alarm and Status indicators.
Modify Button: applies all the settings in the Global Configuration section and the Channel
Configuration section.
Stop Button: stops polling of Alarm and Status indicators.
Hardware Mode Test
Figure 21 presents an illustration of the Hardware Mode Test Dialog Box. The GUI should
display this box under the following condition.
In response to the selection of the “Evaluation Board Test” option within the “Test” pull-down