XRT83SL38/L38EVAL User Manual
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The Global Configuration Section
The “Global Configuration” Section of the Host Mode Test Dialog Box permits the user to do the
following. It is important to note settings in this section take effect only after either “START” or
“Modify” buttons are pressed.
Rail Select, Select the Rail Select (Data Format) (i.e., Single Rail or Dual Rail)
Rx Clock Edge, Select which edge of RCLK the output data of all channels is to be updated.
Tx Clock Edge, Select which edge of TCLK the transmit data of all channels is to be sampled.
Data Polarity Active, Select Data Polarity Active state to be high or low.
MCLKE1/T1/CLKOUT, Select MCLKE1/T1/CLKOUT clock sources. A drop list box provides
all possible settings. For example the setting 1544/2048/1544 sets the E1 clock source to
1544 MHz, the T1 clock source to 2048 MHz and the master clock rate to 1544 MHz.
Auto TAOS, Enable/disable Auto TAOS (i.e., Automatic Transmission of All Ones for all
Global Int Enable, when checked enables interrupt generation for all channels.
Rx Output Mute, mutes receive outputs of RPOS/RDATA and RNEG/LCV pins to a “0” state
for any channel that detects an RLOS condition.
Extended LOS, when enabled the number of zeros at the receive input of each channel
before RLOS is declared to 4096 bits.
The Ch.1 to Ch.8 Channel Configuration Section
The “Ch.1 (Ch.2, Ch.3, Ch.4, etc.) Channel Options” Section of the Host Mode Test Dialog Box
permits the user to do the following. It is important to note settings in this section take effect only
after either “START” or “Modify” buttons are pressed and only for the current channel (unless All
Channels is checked).
Rx Termination, selects between the internal and external line termination modes for the
Tx Termination, selects between the internal and external line termination modes for the
Transformer Ratio, in external termination mode, this selects the transformer ratio for the
transmitter. In internal, the selection has no effect.
Jiiter Attenuator Bandwidth, in E1 mode this setting allows the user to select the Jitter
Bandwidth. This setting has no effect for T1 mode.
FIFO Depth, select the size of FIFO Depth for the current channel.
Jitter Attenuator, used the place the Jitter Attenuator in Transmit/Receive Path or to disable it.
Encoding/Decoding, selects en/decoding for current channel. Alternate Mark Inversion or
HDB3/B8ZS coding schemes can be selected. Setting active only in single rail mode.
Transmitter On, checked to turn on the transmit section of the current channel. unchecked to
tri-state TTIP and TRING.
Invert QRSS Pattern, setting inverts the polarity of transmitted QRSS pattern.
Transmit Pulse Numbers, setting for the magnitude of transmit samples in a given transmit
period. The user sets the bits individually. The sample numbers are 7-bits long and the MSB
is leftmost.
Tx Test Pattern, allows the user to choose a transmit test pattern. Choices are
Transmit/Detect Quasi-Random Signal, Transmit All Ones, Transmit Network Loop-Up Code,
Transmit Network Loop-Down Code, and No Pattern.
Loopback Select, allows the user to select a loopback mode for the current channel. Choices
are No Loopback, Dual Loopback, Analog Loopback, and Digital Loopback.
Network Loop Code Detection, setting is used to monitor the receive data and set the NLCD
bit when “00001” (Loop-Up) or “001” (Loop-down) is detected in the receive data for more
than 5 seconds. Automatic Loop-Code detection enables remote loopback activation and
looks for a Loop-Up code and once detected looks for a Loop-Down code. Upon Loop-Down,
the remote loopback is removed.