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If you have both an intake shutter vent and exhaust fan, you will want them to be
opposite/diagonal from each other to get the best cross-breeze. Plug the fan into the
thermostat (optional) to control when it turns on. If you are using both a shutter vent and an
exhaust fan you will need to purchase a plug splitter and plug them both into the thermostat.
For a Riga 4 & 5, we recommend placing the exhaust fan next to rear wall window by placing
the unit on top of the cross bar to support the weight, as seen below.
For the Riga XL the best placement is
above the rear wall door with the weight
on the door frame as seen to the left.
You may cut the hole in the
polycarbonate before or after assembly
of the greenhouse. Draw the outline of
hole to be cut (only the area protruding
from the polycarbonate). Drill a hole in
each corner of the panel to insert a fine-
tooth jigsaw blade and cut along the
lines. Insert the fan. Drill holes in
polycarbonate through the holes in the
flange of the fan and hold in place with
use washers on the outside.
Once installed, we recommend caulking
on the outside with neutral cure silicone
caulk such as Boss 399.