Before initial start-up, check that the following points have
been dealt with:
• All instructions followed, in above sections of this chapter.
• Grounding conductor resistance and substitute leakage
currents checked according threshold of owner usage.
• No impermissibly high side-acting forces impacting on the
guide tube unit.
• Fastening screws secured on inner tube base plates and
outer tube base plates.
• Entire stroke area unobstructed so that telescopic pillars
CPMA and CPMB cannot be driven onto a fixed object.
• All cables secured against pinching and trapping, and
properly connected.
• Electrical supply secured.
• Operating device connected to the control unit.
Initial start-up
After the installation check has been completed, you can
start up telescopic pillars CPMA and CPMB: With the LED
on the operating light green, press the corresponding oper-
ating button of the operating device.
Prior to first operation, a professional electrician must
perform and document the following tests and readings:
• Visual condition check
• Functional check of operating features and safety features
• Reading of leakage currents
• Reading of insulation resistance
Additional information concerning inspections and readings
(⮑ Maintenance, page 29)
6.3 Installation
Installing the telescopic pillars CPMA and CPMB on other
elements (chairs, tables, incubators and baby warmers, etc.)
involves taking into account special requirements for differ-
ent applications.
The telescopic pillars CPMA and CPMB must be attached to
two flat metal surfaces of the application via the inner and
outer tube base plates or optionally via mounting plates, or
via by the socket box inlet or outlet.
The following sections show how to set up and align the tel-
escopic pillars CPMA and CPMB, including their interfaces
and connections.
Set-up and adjustment
In setting up and aligning telescopic pillars CPMA and
CPMB, the following points must be observed. For installa-
tion, you will require:
• a complete pillar unit
• an operating device
• a mains cable
• a LAN cable (only if selected)
• eight M6 fastening screws, property class 8.8, with
screw-in depth between 6 and 11 mm in addition to the in-
terface width of the application.
Screw-in depth max
Thread length
Screw-in depth min
IMPORTANT: Socket box inlet and socket box outlet have
integrated grounding cables (⮑ Accessories, page 41). If
additional electrical devices are attached, you must ensure
that the connection meets the insulation requirements for
protection class I.
Proceed as follows for installation:
Hand crush hazard
Do not let any object or person come into contact with the inner
tube and/or the base plate of inner tube while the motor is running.
Hold the telescopic pillars CPMA and CPMB only by the external