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- Setting the 4-STROKE function
the function indicates how the welding process is activated. When using this
mode, it is necessary to press and release the torch button. the pre-Gas
function is then activated, followed by soFt start and transition to welding
power. after releasing of button the welding process is activated
curreNt) and gradually activating other active functions. to end the welding
process it is necessary to press torch button again. the doWN slope and then
the eNd curreNt functions are activated. after releasing the button the wel
ding proces is finnished and post-Gas function activated. the function can be
modified when selecting a method (see description above) or during operati
on on the work screen. activation on the work screen is done by pressing the
back button. the function is selected by gradually rotating the n-coder. press
the n-coder to confirm the function selection. after setting the appropriate
value of the function, press the n-coder to return to the work screen.
home button
Back button
2 / 4 stroke mode
home button
Back button
- Setting the PRE-GAS function
this function ensures the protection of the weld after the welding process.
pressing the torch button activates the function that is active for the set time.
after this time the arc ignites. the function can be modified when selecting a
method (see description above) or during operation on the work screen. acti
vation on the work screen is done by pressing the back button. the function
is selected by gradually rotating the n-coder. press the n-coder to confirm the
function selection. after setting the appropriate value of the function, press
the n-coder to return to the work screen.
home button
Back button
home button
Back button
setting the value of the function
- Setting the SOFT START function
(approach speed / inlet of wire)
the function is used to start the welding process smoothly and eliminates
the initial spatter of metal when the arc is ignited. the function can be modi
fied when selecting a method (see description above) or during operation on
the work screen. activation on the work screen is done by pressing the back
button. the function is selected by rotating the n-coder. press the n-coder
to confirm the function selection. after setting the appropriate value of the
function, press the n-coder to return to the work screen.
home button
Back button
soft start