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138 Bartlett  Stre et, M arlboro, M A  01752  U S A  
T L :   5 0 8. 3 5 7 . 2221         F X :   5 0 8. 22 9 . 0 7 47         w w w . e v e r g r ee n sola r . com  


 Document #DS20-007024 

v3.8 rev 2/15/06 

E V E R G R E E N   S O L A R  
C E D A R  L I N E ™   P H O T O V O L T A I C   M O D U L E S  
I N S T A L L A T I O N   A N D   O P E R A T I O N   M A N U A L  

W A R N I N G  

E L E C T R I C A L   H A Z A R D  

Please read this manual completely before installing or 
using an Evergreen Solar Cedar photovoltaic (PV, solar 
electric) module.  This photovoltaic module produces 
electricity when exposed to light.  Follow all 
applicable electrical safety precautions.  Only 
qualified personnel should install or perform 
maintenance work on this module.  Do not damage or 
scratch the rear surface of the module.  Do not handle 
modules when they are wet. 

S a f e t y   P r e c a u t i o n s  

Photovoltaic modules produce DC electricity when 
exposed to light and therefore can produce an 
electrical shock or burn. Modules produce voltage 
even when not connected to an electrical circuit or 
load. Modules produce nearly full voltage when 
exposed to as little as 5% of full sunlight, and both 
current and power increase with light intensity. Use 
insulated tools and rubber gloves when working with 
modules in sunlight. 

PV modules have no on/off switch. Modules can be 
rendered inoperative only by removing them from 
sunlight, or by fully covering their front surface with 
cloth, cardboard, or other completely opaque material, 
or by working with modules face down on a smooth, 
flat surface. 

Modules can produce higher output than the rated 
specifications. Industry standard ratings are made at 
conditions of 1000 watts/m


 and 25°C cell 

temperature. Reflection from snow or water can 
increase sunlight and therefore boost current and 
power. In addition, colder temperatures can 
substantially increase voltage and power. 

Evergreen Solar modules are constructed with 
tempered glass, but still must be handled with care. If 
the front glass is broken or if the polymer backskin is 
torn, contact with any module surface or the frame can 
produce electrical shock, particularly when the module 
is wet. Broken or damaged modules must be disposed 
of properly. 

Cedar PV modules are intended for use in terrestrial 
applications only, thus excluding aerospace or 
maritime conditions or use with sunlight concentration.  
Excluded applications include, but are not limited to, 
installations where modules are likely to come in 
contact with any salt water or where likely to become 
partially or wholly submerged in fresh or salt water, 
examples of which include use on boats, docks and 

C o d e s   a n d   R e g u l a t i o n s  

The mechanical and electrical installation of PV 
systems should be performed in accordance with all 
applicable codes, including electrical codes, building 
codes, and electric utility interconnect requirements. 
Such requirements may vary for mounting location, 
such as building rooftop or motor vehicle applications. 
Requirements may also vary with system voltage, and 
for DC or AC application. Contact local authorities for 
governing regulations. In the U.S., all installations 
should conform to the National Electrical Code (NEC), 
including Article 690 on Solar Photovoltaic Systems 
and all other appropriate articles and sections. 

M e c h a n i c a l   I n s t a l l a t i o n  

Modules may be mounted at any angle from a vertical 
orientation to a horizontal one. The appropriate fixed 
tilt angle and azimuth orientation should be used in 
