Opera#ng instruc#ons.
CAUTION: Lead-Acid ba eries can emit explosive gases when charged. Prevent sparks and
fire sources close to the ba ery. Provide good ven#la#on – appliance should be used only
in well ven#lated areas.
Typical charge:
1. Connect the charger connectors to corresponding ba6ery terminals. It is recommended to
connect the posi ve connector before connec ng the nega ve. Preserve correct polarity (+/-).
If the ba ery is installed inside a vehicle disconnec#ng nega#ve (chassis/ground) clamp from
the ba ery is advised.
2. Ensure that the charger connectors have been connected properly and securely. Connect
the charger to AC mains power source. The LCD display will light up.
Do not a empt to start
the engine with the charger connected – this can cause serious malfunc#on.
3. Ba6ery voltage is indicated on the LCD display.
If the ba6ery voltage is below 1.5V or above 16V no further ac on will be allowed due to
safety reasons.
Note: CBC-5 charger automa cally detects ba6ery type and aRer 3s of user inac vity it will
automa cally start charge process with 0.8A current.
Voltage range of 1.5-.5.0V
corresponds to deeply discharged 6V ba6ery.
Pressing “MODE” bu6on will ac vate 6V ba6ery automa c charge programme. The charger
will start ba6ery recovery programme un l 5.0V voltage is reached on the ba6ery.
Voltage range of 5.0-7.5V
corresponds to 6V ba6ery.
Pressing “MODE” bu6on will ac vate 6V ba6ery automa c charge programme with 0.8A
charging current.
Voltage range of 7.5-10.5V
corresponds to deeply discharged 12V ba6ery.
Pressing “MODE” bu6on will ac vate 12V ba6ery automa c charge programme. The charger
will start ba6ery recovery programme un l 10.5V voltage is reached on the ba6ery.
Voltage range of 10.5-16V
corresponds to 12V ba6ery.
Pressing “MODE” bu6on will ac vate 12V ba6ery soR charge (0.8A) programme.
Pressing again “MODE” bu6on will ac vate 12V ba6ery regular charge (3.8A) programme.
Addi onal opera ng mode can be ac vated with next press of “MODE” bu6on. It will raise the
full charge cut-off voltage from 14.4V to 14.8V (only for 12V ba6eries). It may improve
charging efficiency in low temperature (close to 0 Celsius degrees) condi ons. This mode can
be also used to fully charge some AGM rechargeable ba6eries (refer to ba6ery's manual for
further informa on).
4. Charging progress is indicated on LCD – flashing ba6ery/bar symbols. When the charge is
finished, a solid full ba6ery symbol will be indicated.
The charge termina on voltage is 7.3V for a 6V ba6ery and 14.4/14.8V for a 12V ba6ery.
5. Fully charged ba6ery is monitored and in case of a voltage drop, the charging process will be
automa cally restarted.
6. When the charging process is finished disconnect the charger from AC mains power source,
next disconnect nega ve connector from the ba6ery. Next, disconnect the posi ve connector.