Expression Pedal
2 expression Pedals
1 Expression Pedal + 1 Aux Switch
1 Aux 1 Expression Pedal
2 button Aux Switch
3 button Aux switch
After you have selected the mode appropriate for your connected switch/pedal,
press the Enter key to save your selection.
Calibrating Your Attached Pedals and Switches
Once you have selected your desired type of pedal/switch hardware you are using,
the H9000 will populate the rest of the display with relevant calibration tools.
Use the cursor button and the Enter key to navigate to and engage the
“Calibrate” field.
If you have attached an on/off type pedal, physically press on it and make
sure that you see the appropriate “SW” circle illuminates. There are separate
SW circles for 1, 2 or 3 button pedals.
If you have attached a continuous foot pedal, navigate to the “Calibrate Pedal”
field, then sweep the pedal back and forth with your foot. You should see the
Calibrate Pedal field display a range between 0-100% on the calibration
When you’ve finished calibrating, disengage the “Calibrate” button using the
Enter key.
Note: Even though there are only two pedal/switch connectors on the H9000, you
can connect up to four pedals. This is made possible by connecting two pedals to
each connector, using a “Y” cable such as the “Hosa YPP-117 ¼-inch TRS to Dual ¼-
inch TSF Stereo Breakout cable”.
This capability is possible because:
In the external control section of the parameters mode, there are 4
expression pedals listed.
In set-up mode, there are options to configure a single connector to be
connected to two separate expression pedals.