DIR911 Instant Recall Recorder
©2000 Eventide Inc.
Here, the serial IO communication rate can be configured. Pressing “CURSOR” jumps
from quantity to quantity; “CHANGE” changes the value of the quantity where the cursor
is; and “PORT” changes the current port being configured. There are four ports
available for configuration:
External Time Sync
Caller ID/ANI
ALI - Automatic Location ID
Remote Control
The available settings are as follows:
Baud rates: 300, 1200, 4800, 9600, 19200
Parity settings: None, Odd, Even
Data bits: 7 or 8
Stop bits: 1 or 2.
Included on this screen are the pin-outs for each of the port pins and the type of serial
communication (i.e., RS-232 or RS-485). Press “DONE” when finished.
Configure ANI and ALI, field firmware upgrade
“WHERE ANI” changes where the phone number for an incoming call is received. There
first choice is Internal Caller ID, which gets the caller identification number from the
phone company directly on the phone line. This is the default setting and should be
used unless a different source supplies the DIR911 with a serial phone identification
The second choice is “Extract from serial ALI stream Port B”. Using this setting, the
DIR911 must be supplied with a standard 16 line x 32 column ALI data input. If this is
chosen, then the “SETUP ALI” key should be pressed. This allows the user to set the
line number, column where the phone number starts, and the length of the phone
number in the ALI data field (See SETUP ALI Screen below).
The third choice is “Extract from serial ANI stream Port C”. Using this setting, the
DIR911 must be supplied with a serial phone data input via serial port C. ANI is
supported via a serial port ONLY!!
Set up where in the ALI data field to extract the calling party’s
phone number
Upgrade the unit firmware
Choose where number input from, location