How are the total load, solar, circuits, and/or appliances fused?
Phases of each measured load (circuits and appliances): Single-phase, three-phase,
3P+N (3*400V), voltage, frequency, power, amps.
Cross-sectional area or diameter of the wiring.
How will a stable internet connection be provided to the energy monitor: Wi-Fi,
4.4 Tools (not included)
Wire stripper
Needle-nose pliers
Wire cutter
RJ10 crimping tool
Optional: drill, drill bits and screws
4.5 Supplies (not included)
Cable ties
Circuit breaker, 6 A, single-phase or three-phase (for Power Box only)
Ethernet cable if wired communication is used
External Wi-Fi antenna if there is a weak Wi-Fi signal
Category 5 or 6 SFTP network cable (for RS485 connection to charging station)
Cable gland (for BusinessLine network cable routing through base)