1. Disarm Function
This routine offers 3 options to the user, each prompted by a question mark and selected by
pressing the <ENTER> key or the <YES> key. Pressing the <NEXT> key ro the <PREV> key
moves forwards or backwards respectively through the 3 option available. The <QUIT> key
exits the routine.
1.1 Disarm Concierge
Selection of this option executes the Disarm literal on the Concierge panel. If the panel is in
Disarm mode this will clear all alerts. The panel automatically exits the options.
1.2 Disarm Suite
Selection of this option prompts the user to enter the number of the suite to be disarmed. Once
the suite number has been selected the Disarm literal is executed on that suite if it is on-line.
Press the <QUIT> key to exit the option.
1.3 Alert Accept
Selection of this option checks the entire system for alerts and prompts the user to individually
accept each one found. The panel automatically exits the option.
2. Remote Home Arm
This routine allows the user to Home arm any on-line suite by prompting the user to enter the
suite number and then executing the Evening Arm literal on that suite. The <QUIT> key exits.
3. Remote Sleep Arm
This routine allows the user to Sleep Arm any on-line suite by prompting the user to enter the
suite number and then executing the Sleep Arm literal on that suite. The <QUIT> key exits.
4. Remote Full Arm
This routine allows the user to FULL Arm any on-line suite by prompting the user to enter the
suite number and then executing the Away Arm literal on that suite. The <QUIT> key exits.
5. Time Option Menu
Pressing the <NEXT> key or the <PREV> key moves forwards or backwards respectively
through the 2 options available, and the <ENTER> key or the <YES> key selects the option. The
<QUIT> key exits the routine.
5.1 Set Date & Time
On entry to this option the prompt "YEAR" the range of values which may be entered and the
default year or the current year are displayed in the form "YEAR[0 - 99] 90". The value can
then be changed by entering thedesired number followed by <ENTER>. Pressing the <NEXT>
key, the <PREV> key or the <ENTER> key displays the next value to be set e.g. "MONTH [1 -
12] 1". The <QUIT> key exits from Time Set-up and the panel then reschedules. The new date
and time will be displayed if the panels are in the correct mode.