4. Maintenance Instructions
The pressure tank unit is entirely maintenance-free.
If the pump gets blocked it will first have to be rinsed out.
Connect the pump after removing delivery pipe to the
water pipe and let water flow into the suction pipe.
While water is flowing into the pump, engage it several
times for about 2 seconds.
In this way it is possible to eliminate most blockages.
• If there is a risk of frost, the pump has to be emptied
• When the pump is not going to be used for a long time,
for instance in the winter period, it is recommended to
rinse out the pump thoroughly with water, empty it
completely and store it in a dry place.
• Check whether the pump works freely by briefly
connecting and disconnecting it.
• Then fill the pump again with the delivery liquid and set
it up for use.
Adjusting connection and cut-off pressure.
The pressure tanks unit are factory set with an operating
pressure of 1,4
2,8 or 1,6
3,2 bar (see table of
specifications). The connection and cut-off pressure can
be adjusted and may be set the desired pressure onto
according to your need by means of the switch (see
1 = Connection pressure
2 = Cut-off pressure
Take the protective cover off the pressure
switch. With a screwdriver, turn onto - or +
according to need. Check the pressure with
the pressure gauge.
In order to work, the pump must always be filled
with the delivery liquid until it overflows!
Caution: The pump must never run dry. The
manufacturer’s warranty is null and void in the
event of damage to the pump caused by its running
Check that the pump is airtight; piping that is not
airtight draws in air preventing the pump from
working properly.
If it is not possibile to eliminate the trouble, please call our service department.
To avoid damage during transport, please ship in the ORIGINAL PACKING.
5. Troubleshooting Table
Motor will not start
Pump will not suck
Insufficient rate of flow
The thermal cut-out switch cuts
off the pump
• No mains voltage.
• Pump impeller jammed.
Thermostat detached.
• Check voltage.
• Dismantle the pump and clean it.
• Suction valve not in water.
• Pump chamber with no water.
• Air in suction pipe.
• Suction valve not airtight.
• Suction rose (suction valve) clogged.
• Max. suction height exceeded.
• Put the suction valve into water
(min. 30 cm.)
• Pour water into the suction union.
• Check the seal of the suct. pipe.
• Clean the suction valve.
• Clean the suction rose.
• Check the suction height.
• Suction height too high.
• Dirty suction rose.
• Water level falls quickly.
• Pump flow rate reduced by foreign
• Check suction height.
• Clean the suction rose.
• Set the suct. valve lower down.
• Clean the pump and replace the worn
• Motor overloaded.
Friction too great due to foreign bodies.
• Eliminate the foreign bodies.
Wait for the thermal cut-out switch to
trigger again (approx. 20 mins.).
Pump connects with very low
water intake
• Pressure of air cushion in the delivery
tank too low.
Increase the pressure of the air cushion
in the filling valve (1.5 bar)
1. Safety Measures
• Read carefully the operating instruction before assembling
and starting.
The appliance must not be used by operators who are
not thoroughly acquainted with the instructions handbook
(operating instructions). Moreover, the appliance must
not be used by persons under the age of 16.
• The user is liable towards third parties in the area where
the appliance is in operation.
• Before starting it is necessary to make sure that there
are the necessary electrical protection measures, by
means of a test carried out by a specialist.
While the pump is operating persons must
not be in the liquid to be pumped.
The pump may be connected only by
means of a safety switch for fault currents, with
a rated opening current up to 30 mA and a socket
with an earth contact installed in compliance with
the regulations. Protection: at least 10 Amps.
Operation in swimming pools and garden ponds is
not recommended.
or other operation, the provisions in conformity with
the standard VDE 0100 part 702 must be respected.
CAUTION: Before checking, connect the pump and
the system with no voltage!
Replacing the connecting up line requires using special
tools and therefore this must carried out by the
manufacturer or its service engineers.
The pump may only operate with a pipe connecting
the appliance (extension) that is no lighter than a
rubber hose mod. H07 RNF in compliance with the
DIN 57282 or DIN 57245 standard.
• The noise (continuous equivalent in dbA) of
the motor-driven pump is less or equal (
) to 70
• The voltage (230 Volts alternating current) indicated on
the pump’ s rating plate must correspond to the available
mains voltage.
• The temperature of the liquid conveyed must not exceed
• Make sure that the plugged electrical connections are
in an area safe from flooding and are protected from
• Before use it is necessary to check that the plug and
the mains connection line are not damaged.
• Unplug from the mains before performing any work on
the pump.
• Avoid directly exposing the pump to the jet of water.
• The user is responsible for complying with the local
regulations for assembly and safety.
• The user by taking appropriate measures (e.g. installing
an alarm, reserve pump and the like) will have to exclude
the possibility of indirect damage caused by flooding
premises due to failure of the pump.
• In the event of the pump failing, repair work may only
be carried out by the repair workshops of the technical
service. Only genuine spare parts must be used.
• It is notified that in conformity with the law on product
we cannot be held responsible
for the damage caused by our appliance:
a) because of improper repairs not carried out by the
personnel of the assistance points authorized by us; or
b) if GENUINE SPARE PARTS are not used to replace
parts; or
c) if the indications and provisions given in the instructions
handbook are not complied with.
The same provisions hold for the accessories.
2. Use
Sector of use
The pressure tanks units are used to supply water to
houses, farms and factories when the water may be
drawn from a well or from a spring and, in addition,
for irrigation in market gardening or agriculture. To
raise the pressure of the water mains in accordance
with local regulations (max. pressure on inlet 2 bar).
Operating Instructions
Generally speaking it is recommended to use a
preliminary filter and exhauster with a suction
hose, suction rose and foot valve (reflux lock) to
avoid long suction times and pointlessly
damaging the pump due to stones and solid
foreign bodies.
3. Before Starting
The pressure tank unit is self-sucking. Before starting for
the first time the pump has to be filled through the delivery
union with the delivery liquid until it overflows.
Suction Piping
• Fit the suction pipe for drawing water rising towards the
pump. Absolutely avoid fitting the suction pipe higher than
the pump (formation of air bubbles in the suction pipe).
• The suction and delivery piping must be fitted so as not
to be able to apply any mechanical pressure on the pump.
• The suction valve should be situated at least 30 cm.
below the bottom water level.
• Suction pipes that are not airtight suck in air obstructing
suction of the water.
Delivery Piping
During suction, the cut-off parts (sprayers, valves, etc.)
situated in the delivery piping have to be fully open so
that the air in the suction pipe can be freely expelled.
4. Maintenance Instructions
The pressure tank unit is entirely maintenance-free.
If the pump gets blocked it will first have to be rinsed out.
Connect the pump after removing delivery pipe to the
water pipe and let water flow into the suction pipe.
While water is flowing into the pump, engage it several
times for about 2 seconds.
In this way it is possible to eliminate most blockages.
• If there is a risk of frost, the pump has to be emptied
• When the pump is not going to be used for a long time,
for instance in the winter period, it is recommended to
rinse out the pump thoroughly with water, empty it
completely and store it in a dry place.
• Check whether the pump works freely by briefly
connecting and disconnecting it.
• Then fill the pump again with the delivery liquid and set
it up for use.
Adjusting connection and cut-off pressure.
The pressure tanks unit are factory set with an operating
pressure of 1,4
2,8 or 1,6
3,2 bar (see table of
specifications). The connection and cut-off pressure can
be adjusted and may be set the desired pressure onto
according to your need by means of the switch (see
1 = Connection pressure
2 = Cut-off pressure
Take the protective cover off the pressure
switch. With a screwdriver, turn onto - or +
according to need. Check the pressure with
the pressure gauge.
In order to work, the pump must always be filled
with the delivery liquid until it overflows!
Caution: The pump must never run dry. The
manufacturer’s warranty is null and void in the
event of damage to the pump caused by its running
Check that the pump is airtight; piping that is not
airtight draws in air preventing the pump from
working properly.
If it is not possibile to eliminate the trouble, please call our service department.
To avoid damage during transport, please ship in the ORIGINAL PACKING.
5. Troubleshooting Table
Motor will not start
Pump will not suck
Insufficient rate of flow
The thermal cut-out switch cuts
off the pump
• No mains voltage.
• Pump impeller jammed.
Thermostat detached.
• Check voltage.
• Dismantle the pump and clean it.
• Suction valve not in water.
• Pump chamber with no water.
• Air in suction pipe.
• Suction valve not airtight.
• Suction rose (suction valve) clogged.
• Max. suction height exceeded.
• Put the suction valve into water
(min. 30 cm.)
• Pour water into the suction union.
• Check the seal of the suct. pipe.
• Clean the suction valve.
• Clean the suction rose.
• Check the suction height.
• Suction height too high.
• Dirty suction rose.
• Water level falls quickly.
• Pump flow rate reduced by foreign
• Check suction height.
• Clean the suction rose.
• Set the suct. valve lower down.
• Clean the pump and replace the worn
• Motor overloaded.
Friction too great due to foreign bodies.
• Eliminate the foreign bodies.
Wait for the thermal cut-out switch to
trigger again (approx. 20 mins.).
Pump connects with very low
water intake
• Pressure of air cushion in the delivery
tank too low.
Increase the pressure of the air cushion
in the filling valve (1.5 bar)
La seguente Dichiarazione di Conformità riguarda i vasi di
espansione e autoclavi viene applicata esclusivamente agli
apparecchi riportanti la marcatura CE ed appartenenti alla categoria ≥I. Essa
non deve essere considerata per gli apparecchi appartenenti alla categoria
di cui all’articolo 3.3 della Direttiva.
Varem - via del Santo, 207 - 35010 LIMENA (PD) -
dichiara sotto la propria
unica responsabilità che i vasi di espansione e/o autoclavi di propria
fabbricazione, riportanti la marcatura CE ed accompagnati dalla presente
dichiarazione, sono conformi ai requisiti essenziali di sicurezza dettati dalla
Direttiva 97/23/CE del Parlamento Europeo e del Consiglio dell’Unione
Europea, del 29 maggio 1997, per il riavvicinamento degli Stati membri in
materia di attrezzature a pressione; secondo il modulo D1 per la categoria I
e II e il modulo B+D per le categorie III e IV e le prescrizioni, allo stato attuale,
della EN13831.
The hereunder Conformity Document regarding expansion and
booster tanks is applied exclusively to products with the CE mark
and belonging to Category ≥I. It must not be considered for those products
which belong to the category related to article 3.3 of the Directive.
Varem - via del Santo, 207 - 35010 LIMENA (PD) -
declares, under its own
responsibility, that the eapansion and/or booster tanks of its own production,
having the CE mark and accompanied by the present declaration, conform to
the essential safety requirements that are stated in the Directive 97/23/EC of
the European Parliament and European Union Council, of 29 May 1997, with
the organisation of the states in regards to matters of pressure equipment;
according to form D1 for category I and II and form B+D for categories III and
IV and for the regulations, of the present EN13831.
Níže uvedený dokument o shodě expanzních a tlakových nádob
se týká výhradně výrobků nesoucích označení CE a patřících do
kategorie ≥ I. Nesmí se vztahovat na výrobky patřící do kategorie související
s článkem 3.3 uvedené směrnice.
Společnost Varem – via del Santo, 207 – 35010 LIMENA (PD) –
na svou
vlastní odpovědnost prohlašuje, že expanzní a/nebo tlakové nádoby z její
vlastní výroby, nesoucí označení CE a doprovázené tímto prohlášením,
vyhovují základním bezpečnostním požadavkům stanoveným ve
směrnici Evropského parlamentu a Rady Evropské unie č. 97/23/ES ze dne
29. května 1997 o sbližování právních předpisů členských států týkajících
se tlakových zařízení; podle formuláře D1 pro kategorie I a II a formulářů
B+D pro kategorie III a IV a podle požadavků platné normy EN 13831.
Nižšie uvedené Vyhlásenie o zhode vzťahujúce sa na expanzné
a prídavné nádrže sa vzťahuje výlučne na produkty s označením
CE, ktoré patria do kategórie ≥I. Nevzťahuje sa na tie produkty, ktoré patria
do kategórie podľa článku 3.3 smernice.
Varem - via del Santo, 207 - 35010 LIMENA (PD) -
vyhlasuje, na vlastnú
zodpovednosť, že expanzné a/alebo prídavné nádrže vlastnej výroby, ktoré
majú označenie CE a ku ktorým je priložené toto vyhlásenie, sú v súlade
so základnými požiadavkami na bezpečnosť, ktoré sú uvedené v smernici
97/23 / ES Európskeho parlamentu a Rady Európskej únie z 29. mája 1997
s organizáciou štátov, a to v súvislosti s tlakovými zariadeniami; podľa
formulára D1 pre kategórie I a II a formulára B + D pre kategórie III a IV, a
pokiaľ ide o predpisy platnej normy EN13831.
The hereunder Conformity Document regarding expansion and
booster tanks is applied exclusively to products with the CE mark
and belonging to Category ≥I. It must not be considered for those products
which belong to the category related to article 3.3 of the Directive.
Varem - via del Santo, 207 - 35010 LIMENA (PD) -
declares, under its own
responsibility, that the eapansion and/or booster tanks of its own production,
having the CE mark and accompanied by the present declaration, conform to
the essential safety requirements that are stated in the Directive 97/23/EC of
the European Parliament and European Union Council, of 29 May 1997, with
the organisation of the states in regards to matters of pressure equipment;
according to form D1 for category I and II and form B+D for categories III and
IV and for the regulations, of the present EN13831.