00096441.DOCX, Version 1.0
"Return "
Return to the main menu
"PT Setup"
"Pan Reve"
"Off "
PAN Reverse
With this function you can
reverse the PAN-movement.
"Tilt Reve"
"Off "
TILT Reverse
With this function you can
reverse the TILT-movement.
Automatic PAN/TILT
With this function you can
calibrate the PAN/TILT
movement to the correct starting
"Return "
Return to the main menu
"Off "
Color change, search position
Color change, search position
via shortest distance
"Off "
Adjust full colors
Adjust half colors
Number of DMX channels
of the device (no setting option)
"Run Mod"
Slave setting
With this function, you can
define the device as slave.
Auto program
With this function, you can run
the internal program.
Function not assigned
"Off "
Hold if no DMX
With this function, the device
remains in the last received
DMX-program if there is no
"Off "
Close if no DMX
With this function, you can close
the shutter and set the device to
center position if there is no
Return to the main menu
"Lamp Def"
"Off "
Lamp on by power on
With this function you can select
if the lamp will be switched on
when switching the power on.
Select “ON” if you wish to
enable this function or “OFF” if
you don’t.
"Off "
Lamp on or off
With this function you can switch
the lamp on or off via the Control
Board. Select “ON” if you wish to
strike the lamp or “OFF” in order
to switch it off.
Lamp Time
With this function, you can
display the running time of the
lamp. The display shows
“XXXX”, “X“ stands for the
number of hours.