Instructions Part Number IN1231 Ed 1
It should be remembered that if additional heating sources, such as solar thermal systems, are incorporated
into your heating system, it may be possible to provide domestic hot water and space heating without the EVO
AQUA running during periods of mild weather. For this reason we always recommend a radiator is fitted in the
room in which the stove is installed.
1.3 Water System, Output Consumption
Heating requirements and hot water storage facilities must provide for the appliance to operate for 1.5 to 2
hours for at least 50% of its rated output per combustion cycle. The minimum accumulator sizing, assuming the
input of no other heating devices is as follows:
Evo Aqua 9kW
400 litres
Evo Aqua 15kW
500 litres
2. Combustion Air Supply
Due to advances in energy-saving technology for residential buildings, building shells are becoming increasingly
sealed off from the atmosphere. If combustion air for a stove is taken from inside this shell a suitably sized
permanent air vent must be provided. Operating open flue stoves in combination with other extraction
ventilation systems is only permitted under specific conditions. Rika/SHT pellet boilers need approximately 25
and 30 m³/h and any other system drawing air from the house shell such as kitchen extraction fans should be
taken into account; this is must be born in mind if such systems are installed at, or after, the original ventilation
requirements were calculated.
a) An adequate supply of combustion air is essential and if the stove is sourcing this air from the room in which
it is installed adequate ventilation must be provided. Please see the relevant technical information given in our
assembly instructions when other ventilation systems, such as extractor hoods, may affect the air availability.
b) It is possible to fit an external combustion air supply to EVO AQUA when installing it or at a later date if
additional appliances that may affect the stove’s air supply are fitted. This will allow all combustion air to be
drawn from outside the dwelling.
Fresh Air Kit: RKA1026
If using a fresh air kit where a draught
stabiliser has been fitted to the
starter pipe, free air must be supplied
in accordance with current Building