inst allat ion.
• This appliance is t o be properly inst alled and
eart hed only by a suit ably qualified person.
• This appliance should be connect ed t o a circuit
which incorporat es an isolat ing swit ch
providing full disconnect ion from t he power
• Failure t o inst all t he appliance correct ly could
invalidat e any warrant y or liabilit y claim s.
Ope r a t ion a n d m a in t e n a n ce
Ele ct r ica l Sh ock H a z a r d
• Do not cook on a broken or cracked cookt op. I f
t he cookt op surface should break or
crack,swit ch t he appliance off im m ediat ely at
t he m ains power supply ( wall swit ch) and
cont act a qualified t echnician.
• Swit ch t he cookt op off at t he wall before
cleaning or m aint enance.
• Failure t o follow t his advice m ay result in
elect rical shock or deat h.
H e a lt h H a z a r d
• This appliance com plies wit h elect rom agnet ic
safet y st andards.
H ot Su r fa ce H a z a r d
• During use, accessible part s of t his appliance
will becom e hot enough t o cause burns.
• Do not let your body, clot hing or any it em
ot her t han suit able cookware cont act t he
I nduct ion glass unt il t he surface is cool.