Cook in g Gu ide lin e s
Take care when frying as t he oil and fat heat up very quickly,
part icularly if you’re using Pow erBoost . At ext rem ely high
t erm perat ur es oil and fat will ignit e spont aneously and t his present s a
serious fire risk.
Cook in g Tips
• When food com es t o t he boil, reduce t he t em perat ure set t ing.
• Using a lid will reduce cooking t im es and save energy by ret aining t he heat .
• Minim ise t he am ount of liquid or fat t o reduce cooking t im es.
• St art cooking on a high set t ing and reduce t he set t ing when t he food has
heat ed t hrough.
Sim m e r in g, cook in g r ice
• Sim m ering occurs below boiling point , at around 85˚ C, when bubbles are j ust
rising occasionally t o t he surface of t he cooking liquid. I t is t he key t o delicious
soups and t ender st ews because t he flavours develop wit hout overcooking t he
food. You should also cook egg- based and flourt hickened sauces below boiling
point .
• Som e t asks, including cooking rice by t he absorpt ion m et hod, m ay require a
set t ing higher t han t he lowest set t ing t o ensure t he food is cooked properly in
t he t im e recom m ended.
Se a r in g st e a k
To cook j uicy flavoursom e st eaks:
1. St and t he m eat at room t em perat ure for about 20 m inut es before cooking.
2. Heat up a heavy- based frying pan.
3. Brush bot h sides of t he st eak wit h oil. Drizzle a sm all am ount of oil int o t he
hot pan and t hen lower t he m eat ont o t he hot pan.
4. Turn t he st eak only once during cooking. The exact cooking t im e will depend
on t he t hickness of t he st eak and how cooked you want it . Tim es m ay vary
from about 2 – 8 m inut es per side. Press t he st eak t o gauge how cooked it
is – t he firm er it feels t he m ore ‘well done’ it will be.
5. Leave t he st eak t o rest on a warm plat e for a few m inut es t o allow it t o relax
and becom e t ender before serving.