Ca u t ion s
1. The ceram ic cooker hob m ust be inst alled by qualified personnel or
t echnicians. We have professionals at your service. Please never conduct t he
operat ion by yourself.
2. The ceram ic cooker hob shall not be m ount ed t o cooling equipm ent ,
dishwashers and rot ary dryers.
3. The ceram ic cooker hob shall be inst alled such t hat bet t er heat radiat ion can
be ensured t o enhance it s reliabilit y.
4. The wall and induced heat ing zone above t he work surface shall wit hst and
heat .
5. To avoid any dam age, t he sandwich layer and adhesive m ust be resist ant t o
heat .
6. A st eam cleaner is not t o be used.
Con n e ct in g t h e h ob t o t h e m a in s pow e r su pply
The power supply should be connect ed in com pliance wit h t he relevant
st andard,or a single- pole circuit breaker.t he m et hod of connect ion is shown