Operating Instructions
Red Heads/Actuators for Evaluation Units CMS
These operating instructions apply only in con-
junction with the operating instructions for the
relevant evaluation units CMS-E-.. !
Correct use
The Coded Magnetic Safety switches series CMS
are safety devices for monitoring movable safety
The system consists of evaluation unit, read head
and actuator. It forms a non-contact, magnetically
coded interlocking device with low coding level
(type 4).
In combination with a safety guard, this system
prevents dangerous machine functions from being
performed for as long as the safety guard is opened.
A stop command is triggered if the safety guard is
opened during the dangerous machine function.
Before safety components are used, a risk assess-
ment must be performed on the machine, e.g. in
accordance with:
EN ISO 13849-1, Safety of machinery – Safety-re-
lated parts of control systems – Part 1: General
principles for design
EN ISO 12100, Safety of machinery – General
principles for design – Risk assessment and risk
EN 62061, Safety of machinery – Functional
safety of safety-related electrical, electronic and
programmable electronic control systems.
Correct use includes observing the relevant require-
ments for installation and operation, e.g.:
EN ISO 14119, Safety of machinery – Interlocking
devices associated with guards – Principles for
design and selection
EN 60204-1, Safety of machinery. Electrical equip-
ment of machines. General requirements
The read heads and actuators must be used
only with the designated evaluation units from
EUCHNER. On the use of different evaluation units,
EUCHNER provides no warranty for safe function.
The user is responsible for safe integration of
the device into a safe overall system. For this
purpose, the overall system must be validated,
e.g. in accordance with EN ISO 13849-2.
Correct use requires observing the permissible
operating parameters (see technical data).
If a product data sheet is included with the product,
the information on the data sheet applies in case
of discrepancies with the operating instructions.
Only components may be used that are permissi-
ble in accordance with the following combination
options table. Refer to the operating instructions
of the corresponding component for further
Exclusion of liability and warranty
In case of failure to comply with the conditions for
correct use stated above, or if the safety instruc-
tions are not followed, or if any servicing is not
performed as required, liability will be excluded and
the warranty void.
General safety instructions
Safety components fulfill personal protection
functions. Incorrect installation or tampering can
lead to severe injuries to personnel.
Check the safe function of the safety guard
after any setup work
each time after replacement of a CMS component
after an extended period without use
after every fault
Independent of these checks, the safe function
of the safety guard should be checked at suitable
intervals as part of the maintenance schedule.
Warning! Danger of fatal injury in the event of
incorrect connection or incorrect use.
Safety components must not be bypassed (bridg-
ing of contacts), turned away, removed or other-
wise rendered ineffective. Pay particular attention
to EN ISO 14119: 2013, section 7, regarding the
possibilities for bypassing an interlocking device.
The device may be installed and put into operation
only by authorized personnel,
who are familiar with the correct handling of
safety components
who are familiar with the applicable EMC reg-
who are familiar with the applicable regulations
on operational safety and accident prevention
who have read and understood the operating
The safety system CMS consists of an eval-
uation unit, read head and actuator and is
functional only in particular combinations (see
combination options)!
The read head connected to the evaluation unit con-
tains reed contacts that are activated by the coded
magnetic actuator. The evaluation unit converts this
information and transfers the safety guard state to
the control system via a safety contact.
Caution! Risk of damage to equipment as a result
of incorrect installation.
Read heads or actuators must not be used as a
mechanical end stop. Fit an additional end stop for
the movable part of the safety guard.
Caution! Read heads or actuators must not be
used in an environment with strong magnetic fields.
Important! Read heads and actuators must be
positively mounted to the safety guard, e.g. by
using the safety screws supplied. Tighten the
screws with a torque of max. 0.5 Nm.
Important! The M8 plug connector must be
tightened with a suitable tool.
The read head and actuator may be installed in any
position. The alignment of the read head and the
actuator must be kept in mind (see Figure 1).
Install read head and actuator so that:
they are accessible for inspection work and the
installation of spare parts
when the safety guard is closed, the active read
head and actuator faces are exactly aligned (see
Figure 1)
the actuator is located in the read head’s operating
distance when the safety guard is closed.
A guide and an additional end stop must be fitted
for the movable part of the safety guard.
In the closed position, a latching mechanism must
be fitted to the safety door.
If the read head and actuator are fitted flush,
the switching distance is reduced in line with the
installation depth and the safety guard material.
If the read head and actuator are fitted on ferro-
magnetic material, the read distance is reduced.
If the approach speed between the read head
and the actuator is low and the evaluation unit
CMS-E-BR is used, the approach direction Z (see
Figure 1) should be avoided.
Round actuators have protection against twist-
ing. In order to ensure that the actuator cannot
be rotated when secured to the safety door, a
2 mm hole should be drilled for the safety lug
during installation.
Electrical connection
Warning! In case of an error, loss of the safety
function through incorrect connection.
Lay the connection cables with protection to
prevent the risk of short circuits.
Caution! Risk of damage to equipment or malfunc-
tions as a result of incorrect connection.
On read heads with LEDs the current on the con-
tact status indication is not allowed to be greater
than 15 mA.
The read heads must be connected to the evalu-
ation units in accordance with the wiring diagram
(see operating instructions for evaluation units).
Service and inspection
Remove iron swarf from the read head and actuator
at regular intervals.
Use only solvent-free cleaning agents for cleaning
the actuators and read heads!
Regular inspection of the following is necessary
to ensure trouble-free long-term operation:
correct switching function
secure mounting of components
loose connections.
In the event of damage or wear and tear,
the damaged system component must be
Exclusion of liability under the
following circumstances:
incorrect use
non-compliance with safety regulations
installation and electrical connection not per-
formed by authorized personnel
failure to perform functional checks.