The rapid advancement in the electronics industry during the past decade has placed
increasing importance on the understanding of electrostatics and its effect on electronic
devices and systems. Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) is a common cause of
microelectronic circuit failure. Many of these devices can be seriously damaged or
destroyed by an electrostatic discharge below 30 Volts, or as a result of an electrostatic
field of only a few hundred Volts.
The static shielding bag was developed to provide a package that would protect static
sensitive components placed inside from external ESD events. Many different bag
constructions are now available that, when properly used, provide a Faraday cage
(electrostatic field attenuation) around the objects placed inside.
The most common bags are constructed from transparent polyethylene film with a
metalized layer of mylar laminated to either the outside or the inside of the bag. The
metalized side is either on the outside (metal out) or buried between the mylar and the
polyethylene film (metal in or buried metal layer). The metalized layer that provides the
shield is usually aluminum or nickel with a thickness limited to approximately 100
Angstroms to maintain bag transparency. Other constructions are available, however,
that consist of carbon grids or conductive fibers such as carbon or copper. Static
shielding is also provided by nontransparent bags that are either carbon loaded
polyethylene or foil laminated such as the MIL PRF 81705D Type I water vapor-proof
shielded bag.
In selecting the correct bag for a given application, consideration must be given to
whether the product being sensitive. The ability of the bag not to charge the object
inside and the ability of the bag to dissipate any charge on its surface in a timely
manner when grounded must also be taken into account.
Various commercial and military specifications and test standards now exist for
evaluating the different electrical and physical characteristics of the bag and/or its
material. The static dissipative characteristics of the bag material is determined by
measuring the surface resistance is accordance with Electrostatic Discharge
Association test standard ANSI/ESD STM11.11. The antistatic (ability to resist
tribocharging) characteristic is determined using procedures outlined in ESD ADV
11.21. The Electronics Industries Association Test Standard EIA 541-1988 "Packaging
Material Standards - For The Protection Of ESD Sensitive Items" currently references
similar test methods. However, ESD Association test standards are now specified.
The shielding effectiveness of the bag was previously evaluated using the voltage
differential test method specified in EIA 541. However, the energy test method
specified in ANSI/ESD STM11.31 is now the preferred method. MIL PRF 81705D
specifies the ANSI/ESD STM11.31 test. The ETS Model 4431-EV Shielded Bag Test
System meets the requirements of both test standards while the
Model 4431-V
performs only the EIA 541 Voltage Differential Test.
The Model 4431-EV replaces
the Model 431. Any reference in this manual that refers to the Model 431 also applies
to the Model 4431 or EV or V, unless otherwise noted.