Appendix F. Users Manual
ETL Inc.
#584 Sangwhal- ri, Kanam -myon,
Yoju-kun, Kyounggi-do,
469-885, Korea
7 of 13
Report No:E03.0103.FCC.009N
Issue of Date : January 3, 2003
Radar Detector
Model : MRD-1000
3. Interpretation of Alert
Description of LED ( Reference: Profile of Feature No (9) )
(1) Radar Alert (X, K, Ka Band)
When MRD-1000 receives radar signal, the following will be occurred:
Different audio alerts will be provided for X, K, and Ka band radar
signals. The beep sounds will be faster and faster as the radar signal gets
2) The different Band Indicator LED will turn on or blink in unison with the
different audio alert.
3) The Signal Strength LEDs will blink as the strength of signals.
Ex) Visual Alert (at X Band)
Strength 1: POWER is on, and X is blinking
Strength 2: POWER and X are on, and P1 is blinking
Strength 3: POWER and X are on, then P1 and P2 can be automatically
(2) Laser Alert
When MRD-1000 receives laser signal, all of Band Indicator LEDs are blinking with
siren wailing during 4 seconds.
(3) VG-2 Guard Alert
MRD-1000 provides VG-2 GUARD ALERT making it undetectable to the
Interceptor VG-2. When MRD-1000 receive VG-2 signal, all of Indicator LEDs are
blinking twice with siren wailing and are turned on. After leaving VG-2 signal area,
MRD-1000 automatically returns to normal after 10 seconds. To return to normal
intentionally, you have to press Mute Button.