Table 6. Phase shift setting for supply and measuring voltage 400 VAC
Reactive power offset (rCPo)
This parameter is useful for such type of systems where there is permanent presence of inductive or capacitive reactive power
offset. Typical example of this can be long lines which generates permanent and constant capacitive reactive power.
is set as a real power offset present in the system. This value is then assigned to measured reactive power.
Regulation to average or instantaneous power factor (ˉCoS)
This setting defines if regulator will regulate slow contactor stages to average or instantaneous power factor. If the set value is
then usage of contactor stages is affected by average power factor. If the set value is
then regulation is performed only
according to instantaneous power factor. In configuration mode move via button
to the item
. After pressing of
display will show set value
. Via buttons
it is possible to change this value. Another
pressing of button
saves new value into the regulator memory.
Option auto is a modification for Lithuanian market where there is not defined any area for cos
(for example 0,96 ... 1) but
strict limit cos
= 1. With enabled option Auto, controller is regulating symmetrically according to parameter SHtd.
Averaging time for APFR (tACo)
This setting defines half-period of average cosφ calculation. There are available four times for average cosφ calculation (15,
30 45 and 60 minutes). Default value of period for average cosφ calculation is 30 minutes which refers to half-period set from
factory on 15 minutes. It is suitable for most of applications.
After entering selected parameter currently set value of time period will appear. Via buttons ▲, ► it is possible to change this
value. Another pressing of button
saves new value into the regulator memory.
6.14. Recording of number of operations and maximum values (C_St)
Activation of this parameters allows the controller to save maximums (the minimum value of frequency is being recorded as
well) of measured values into to internal memory.
Monitoring of measured parameters is being done in real time but recording to non volatile memory is done 3 times per 24
hours. Before recording the maximum (minimum) into the memory, this value is kept in standard operating memory. In the
case that power supply is lost before recording to non volatile memory the maximum (minimum) values will be lost.
De-compensation steps settings (E_IC)
For application where there is a need of de-compensation by reactors it is necessary enable inductive steps setting in
. If the parameter is set on yes then particular step powers can be set in inductive or capacitive power.
De-compensation by reactor steps is possible be done in two solutions. For application where there is only capacitive load the
all steps may be based on de-compensation reactors. For application where there is inductive load which time to time turns to
capacitive load the only compensation one step of controller can be based on de-compensation reactor and rest of steps can be